Saturday, February 5, 2011

Anne Parker-- Notes on Earth Energy and New Science

From Class:




Formed by random forces

Inert material in which life evolved

Different landforms/ no special effect or relationship

Whatever life/brilliance (existed in the formula) existed from the start and infuses every thing. New Science

Self regulating system and co-evolves as a whole. We're not sitting on a dead ball here.

Places have specific energies that effect/interact with life forms

We are the sons and daughters of the stars

Earth is a living system

(being discussed)

Place have anima loci (soul of a place, essential personality).

Here is the "Homeopathic Story" of the Universe Unfolding:
  1. primal flaring forth
  2. chaotic period
  3. 4 laws emerge (gravitation, electromagnetic, weak and strong nuclear)
  4. Particles now can exist/be stable. Universe manifests as bonded relationships.
  5. Hydrogen and Helium emerge- they form clouds, which cause galaxies to be born.
  6. Stars are born from galaxies: When fuel used up, the stars imploded into a pulsar (super dense mass of neutrons) OR collapse into a black hole OR some nutrinos escape and form new stars and planets.
  7. Formation of our star the SUN- initially a solar cloud 5 million times the diameter of our current sun. Collapsed into a core- remaining gas mostly blown away but not all. Some residue formed a disc of elements around the Sun. Disc formed into the planets...
  8. Earth is born from a Self Organizing Universe: geological activity gave rise that continues to churn the earth even after 5 billion years since it began. Size of Earth enables it a balance of gravitation and electromagnetic forces and a position from the sun that allowed it to establish a temperature range where complete molecules could be formed.
  9. Heat gives life.

Time and space unfurled together in the universe
universe is not a place-- but a process. a story.
omni-centric: all places are the center point.
there is no "outside" no objective stance.
We have a SELF ORGANIZING UNIVERSE in which our self-regulating Earth arose.
atmospheric content of oxygen maintains at 21%
salinity of the ocean regulates at 4%
HOW can this be coincidental or simply as is, without further implication in meaning?
Our bodies do the same regulating and maintaining of PH levels, electrolytes, red and white blood cell counts. IT is all amazing and important. WE must take care of our bodies and the earth for the simple measure of LIFE. Do you want to live? Do you like to live? How can we get more in touch with that essential source?

Conclusion is GAIA

All around us exist:
genus loci. protective spirit of a place.
amina loci: the soul of a place***its essential personality.
other terms: life force, dynamics.

Bernice Barlow’s summary of describable earth energies:
  • genus loci, anima loci, life force, dynamics
  • tulleric energies- defined as: of the earth. of the soil. earth energies. according to earth keepers: "Telluric: Relating to the earth. Telluric energies are earth energies, earth electricity. A naturally occurring phenomenon. Telluric energy has a 'male' and female aspect. This can be thought of as yin and yang."
  • Nets (fields)- what birds, fish use in migration. (interested in how they work, how they are formed, how they can or are disrupted by...?)
  • Lines, leys (European sacred groves), song lines (AUS aboriginal term for songs, vibrations, geometric patterns. term and practice is 80,000 years old )
  • Morphogenetic fields- put intention of earth and people/
  • historical imprints- ex: battlefields
  • vortex- can be giving out like a geyser, or pulling in like a magnet
  • amplifications- valleys?
  • electromagnetic
  • Ion, ionic fields- positive ion fields are disorientating, not conducive to health. Neg. ionic fields, such as near waterfalls, rivers or oceans create a harmonious energy.

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