Friday, January 28, 2011

Ritual- the Pattern that Connects; Dolores LaChapelle

  • What is the phenomena? "our language system acknowledges only the type of phenomena which support this particular system."
  • "Paradoxically we must write or talk about this alternative way of thinking while using the very same language system which is at the root of the problem."
  • Native societies: connected with the earth; where stable, sustainable cultures, often lasting for thousand of years; and had rich ceremonial life.
  • there is a 'limited procreative energy' that flows from human to animals, society to nature", therefore its advantages to be conservative with resource exploitation.
  • Seasonal festivities. topocosm- place for world order. SF set balance and revived this order.
  • "acknowledge non-human co-inhabitants of your place." Acknowledging the sacred animal of your area, such as from totem poles of folk tales, and reflecting how and why they are important to the ecosystem, social system, and entire universal process. The continuity and revival of this acknowledgment bridges any separations that may have developed, while also bringing gratitude to their role and existence.
  • Siena, Italy: horse races to mimic battles, end religious festivities.
  • Charles Russell "...a pioneer destroys things and calls it civilization."

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