Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Advances in Group Processes vol. 25 JUSTICE

Karen A Hegtvedt and Jody Clay-Warner editors

JAI Press of Emerald Group Publishing Limited

First ed. (08)

British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data

ISBN: 978-1-84855-104-6

ISSN: 0882-6146 (Series)

Ch 3- equality and inequality after the Civil War

Ch. 4 inequity among intimates: Applying equity theory to the family.

Ch 6 Injustice and emotions using identity theory

Ch 7 system justification theory- emotional distress. social hierarchy and society

palliative |ˈpalēˌātiv; ˈpalēətiv|


(of a treatment or medicine) relieving pain or alleviating a problem without dealing with the underlying cause : short-term, palliative measures had been taken.

Palliative effects of ideology.

Ch 8 what makes people participate in social actionQuest

Ch 9 Identities- ideologies, group membership and perception of justice

Ch 10 alternative dispute resolution

11 transgression- break out of the terms- moving toward unifying frameworld of justice restoration

transgress |transˈgres; tranz-|

verb [ trans. ]

infringe or go beyond the bounds of (a moral principle or other established standard of behavior) : she had transgressed an unwritten social law | [ intrans. ] they must control the impulses that lead them to transgress. Geology (of the sea) spread over (an area of land).

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