- interplay between death and regeneration. development of plants.
- auxin- a plant hormone, that stimulates growth and development and induces the rooting of cuttings, is produced by dying cells(1).
- Theory- cells are regenerated by growth, while the cessation of growth lead to senescence and death (2).
- in Malaysia-- study of regenerative growth. basis of a new cropping system involving multiple harvests from the same plant (3).
- understanding living nature in terms of inherent memory.
- in the last 3 centuries, growing # of educated people started to think of nature as lifeless. (the mechanistic theory of nature.)
- in the "official world" -- work, business, politics-- nature is conceived of as the inanimate source of natural resources, exploitable for economic development says Sheldrake. p.3
- this mechanistic has allowed for industrial and technological progress and growth; helped develop pharmaceuticals to fight diseases; turn traditional agriculture into agribusiness and animal farming into factory farming. The mechanistic approach has also given humans means to develop weapons of unparalleled power.
- assuming nature is innate or neutral..
- in the unofficial world -- people find an emotional connection with particular places (perhaps places they feel at peace or have an association with their childhood); feel empathy and connection with animals or plants; and are inspired by the beauty of nature. They might even experience a mystical sense of unity with the natural world.
- "our private relationship with nature presupposes that nature is alive (and usually, at least implicitly, feminine).
- we have to remember that what are now commonplace assumptions were once controversial theories
- rooted in the particular theology and philosophies of the time.
- (mostly believed by a handful of intellectual Europeans)
- "the mechanistic theory has been adopted as the official orthodoxy of economic progress." p. 5 it has become a kind of religion. (which has led to our current crisis).
- what was once thought of as predetermined and predictable is now being considered as indeterminable, spontaneous and chaotic.
- perhaps even the laws of nature may not be eternally fixed, but may be evolving along with nature.
- upsetting deep-seated habits of thought (of the intellect, of course not the intuitive). pointing to a new way of seeing, being, and inter-living with the world, from the past.
Charles T. Tart, Professor of Psychology, UC Davis says:
- we must examine "who we are, where we are, why we are"
- develop a comprehensive, life-respecting, and sensible view of identity and purpose.
- a depth and breadth for living, fostered by a love for life.
- there is unity underlying all of phenomena-- . HOLONOMIC MAPS.
Introductory Essay 1: the Roots of Unity: Geomancy and the World Order
- Jose, says by common definition, geomancy is a form of divination or oracular demonstration derived from "reading" lines or signs in the earth.
- Christopher Cattan in 1558, said Ge is called Gy a Greek word, meaning earth; and Manice which is knowledge. Gyos and Magos-- knowledge of earthly things...
- some employed the term to translate the Chinese feng-shui.
- NOW- defined as the "knowledge of the earth as a planet body, a complete living organism whose elemental processes and rhythmic cycles are intimately connected to our own perceptual structures and biological functions" p. 5 this is what you want to research.
- as a science it describes the planet's functions in relation to the individual body.
- the skill of bringing our senses into harmony with our environment....
(ironic as i sit in front of a computer)
- Stephen Skinner-- as telluric (earthly) methods for determining the energy flows of the natural world. Telluric current is a natural current in the Earth's crust.
- leyline theories associated with the sitting of megalithic and other notable ancient architectural monuments; seismography, the science in predicting earthquakes and other major geological movements and rhythms.
- atmospheric sciences
- archaeo-astronomy
- bio-aesthetics
- chi
- how the power and energy can heal people
- science
- tradition and indigenous practice
- to see how the spiritual experience is an essential experience. seen as an inherent form of human intelligence. which potentially and even increasingly impacted by personal dynamics and social crisis, is not reducible by them.
- "inner worldly mysticism"
- Diamond Approach
Brian Green: The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory
- scientific approach
Sam Gill: Mother Earth
- evolution of female earth imagery in N. America from the 16th century to the present.
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