Saturday, January 8, 2011


Love is possible only if two persons communicate with each other from the center of their existence. Hence, if each one of them experiences himself from the center of himself from the center of his existence. This is called a "Central Existence"

The very wish for laziness is a reaction against the routinizing of life.

Concentration. Discipline. Patience.
sensitive to oneself. Everything has its time.

Escaped activities ask "What happened?"

Narcissistic distortion. Unobjective view- stage dramas and stories in our minds of our wishes and fears. It is a dream.

move to ---> Objective view. objective thinking is reason--> emotional humility. It is an unbiased, relaxed, alert state.
How things exist regardless o my interest, needs, and fears.

Loving Self
is complimentary and even conjunctive with loving others.

Freud's ideas of love were stormed from and influenced by the 19th century.
  • They were a reaction against the strict Victorian Age.
  • Became popular in the spirit of Capitalism.
  • Emerging a limitless desire for the sexual conquest, competition, but also fear to express such desires. There was an emphasis on savings to spending, but also an emphasis in seizing the day and material consumption.
  • Materialism
Therefore one can argue the form that really took place was of pseudo love.
The capitalistic society, based on political freedom and free market as regulator, influences behavior. Human energy was turned into and used as a commodity. Capital >> commanded labor. Labor> lead to amassed "dead things" that have little real value, but created power for the provider. Therefore that which followed was economics leading social relations. The practice of life was determined by the specifics and structure of the society.

Concentration. Discipline. Patience.
Sensitivity to oneself. Everything has its time.
The very wish for laziness is a reaction against the routinizing of life.
Escaped activities ask "What happened?"

Narcissistic distortion. Unobjective view- stage dramas and stories in our minds of our wishes and fears. It is a dream.

move to ---> Objective view. objective thinking is reason--> emotional humility. It is an unbiased, relaxed, alert state.
How things exist regardless of my interest, needs, and fears.

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