notes on readings
Geo-anomalies within the telluric system ??
an example of putting ^this in use:
Historical imprints, psychic imprints "energy is created from imprint residue left from generations of history or struggle. the personality of that struggle may be felt at a site enve if it occurred decades or centuries ago."
(by a person, if he/she is sensitive to such energies) probably a way to measure this energy by machine as well...?
"cosmic glue that has its own consciousness. the cohesive consciousness based on the premise that living organisms (right down to the strings {i'll get into that later}) have the ability to intentionally organize the elements of the universe into life-expressing components." Ch. 1.
This organizing is done through "energy-signal frequencies that all living things emit. In science this is a prerequisite to qualify as a living thing." Homeostasis is also a part of the Gaian theory. "Gaia emits energy-signal frequencies at the most miniscule cellular level which are responsible for the processes of organization and homeostasis on the planet." This is what Anastasia is talking about!!**
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake: says some energy fields did not follow rules of physics b/c these fields were made out of neither energy or matter. The "morphic resonance that these fields produce develops and organizes energy into matter through some sort of ethereal genetic code." The principle is based on the idea that if something has been done, even once, the knowledge is there, whether dormant, untouched or in the potential state (in the morphogentic field), and therefore can be accessed again.
plasma fields.
consistent faith (that places have healing powers) (what about form people who don't believe, too bad for them? ;P )
energies on a cellular level
underground fissures and cracks.
Different dimensions. Only said that they exist, but what can't explain or describe them yet.
Peter Sanders "string theory"
"because these strings literally tie together all the forces, energies, and theories of the universe."
"when we watch a magnet tug on a metal paper clip, we know we are watching an unforseen force in action."
Faraday Cages- blocking certain types of radioactive waves**
Ions: gain electron-- becomes a -charged ion ("nature's caresses, calming and soothing, waterfalls, rivers, oceans, minerals, storms, forests, blowholes, subterranean water routes, uranium rich lands and crashing waves') "open the door to a more serene state, where perceptions are allowed to wander within the safe boundaries of consciouness." Therefore they are beneficial to healing, creativity, and balancing energies. No?
lose electron-- becomes +charged ion (warm winds, sometimes called the dark witches winds, generate positive ions, make people go loopy, edgy, sluggish, depressed) IN nature more neg ions than positive.
Natural ratio is 4:5 in either direction. Although for ex: in the San Gabriel Valley the ratio is 33:2 positive to negative!
Neurotransmitters in the brain.
have not been proven HOW they are affected by ions, only that it is "a simple case of physics effecting human neurology."
"What is known is that serotonin is deregulated when exposed to high number of -ions. (like LSD but only gentler and more natural).
What is the positive ion ratio in highly polluted or smog areas??
Network of Channels follow a grid course like meridians in the body.
Ley Lines and Grid Nets: migratory patterns...
Vortexes- geophysical anomalies: some spring energy up, while others pull it in like a magnet.
Sedona, Arizona (powerful ex.)
Burney Falls, Mt. Shasta (creates a lateral pattern, promotes " a feeling of well-being and balance")